Translational Neurosurgery Laboratory


The Translational Neurosurgery Laboratory's mission is to develop new neuro-technologies to modulate brain activity and unlock next-generation tools for clinicians treating patients suffering from brain diseases.

We are working at the interface of psychology, engineering, gene therapy and neurosurgery. 

Our team is optimizing the following technologies to help understand and modulate neural activity:

Wireless neurophys






Dr. Sébastien Tremblay completed his Masters studies in psychology at Université de Montréal and his Ph.D. in neuroscience at McGill University. He went on to pursue a first fellowship at the Montreal Neurological Institute and a second one at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. He is passionate about combining psychology, engineering, and neurosurgery to further the understanding of the brain and develop new tools to treat patients with mental disorders. 


We are currently building a new team of top scientists

(see 'Join the Lab' below)


Scientific Rigor

Searching for the truth, whatever it might be, with the best tools available

Ecological Validity

Making sure our findings have value beyond the laboratory

Cross Disciplinarity

Problems in one discipline have often been solved in another discipline

Open Science

Collaboration over competition, for the benefit of the community


Key Publications

Other Publications

Access Google Scholar for full bibliography and links



We are always looking for motivated, curious, and hard-working people from all backgrounds willing to contribute to cutting-edge neuroscience. 

Some of the skills that can give you a head start:

If you are interested in a position, please send your CV and a brief 250 word description of a question you are passionate about at recruitingTNLlab at gmail com.



The laboratory is located at the CERVO Research Center within Université Laval in Québec City, Canada. We can be reached at questionsTNLlab at gmail com for questions and collaborations.

Quebec City

Quebec City is a vibrant, historic city which embraces a 400-year old history and a duality uniting French and American culture. The lab operates in both official languages.